- WBBSE CLASS 6th After a heavy shower, we often see a rainbow appears in the sky. Write a paragraph in about sixty words describing the scene as you see it || Paragraph Writing

WBBSE CLASS 6th After a heavy shower, we often see a rainbow appears in the sky. Write a paragraph in about sixty words describing the scene as you see it || Paragraph Writing
Language : English
The Note contains a ‘Paragraph’ from WBBSE Class 6 “Write a Pagraph on After a heavy shower, we often see a rainbow appears in the sky. Write a paragraph in about sixty words describing the scene as you see it.” Read the Paragraph carefully to enhance your knowledge.
After a heavy shower, we often see a rainbow appears in the sky. Write a paragraph in about sixty words describing the scene as you see it. Use the following hints.
time of the day - place- the clear, cloudless sky- how the rainbow looks like colours of the rainbow - your feelings.
One day we are playing in our village playground. It was afternoon. Suddenly we saw a rainbow had appeared from the clear, cloudless sky. We were mesmerised seeing the colourful large bow. There were seven colours in the rainbow - violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. They all seemed to be blended with each other. Going home I brought the mobile and clicked some pictures of it. After a few minutes, it disappeared totally. I saw a rainbow on television or in our books but on that day I experienced the real one. I was very happy.